Condominiums and condo associations Our most affordable service

The highest-rated company on the North Shore

A more affordable service
The same quality!

Tell your condo association about us!

At BL Vitres, we understand the importance of impeccable maintenance for condominiums. That’s why we’ve adopted pure water cleaning technology specifically tailored to the needs of residential buildings.

Our Pure Water Cleaning Technology:

100% Filtered Water: We use completely demineralized water that leaves no streaks when it dries, ensuring perfectly clear and residue-free windows.

Safety and Efficiency: Windows are cleaned from the ground using telescopic poles, eliminating the need for lifts or ladders. This method is not only safer but also faster.

Flawless Results: Thanks to the efficiency of our technology, we achieve the same impeccable results as traditional cleaning methods, but at a more cost-effective rate.

Simple service without the need to be present!
Exterior window cleaning

  • All exterior windows are included
  • We clean all the frames
  • You don't need to be present.
  • Fast and cost-effective!

A proven team! Why choose BL Vitres?

  • Expertise : With over 11 years of experience, we have developed advanced cleaning techniques to tackle all challenges.
  • Satisfaction Guaranteed : Customer satisfaction is our top priority. We are committed to delivering the highest quality service until you are completely satisfied with the results.
  • Competitive pricing : We offer competitive rates without compromising the quality of our work.

Ready to get a quote?

We’re here to help!

Contact us for a profesionnal window cleaning

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Hardworking employees
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